Mission Accomplished!


 . . . cannot adequately express how appreciative we are to so many friends who have prayed for us, kept our stuff at their house, contributed toward our training costs, and listened as we processed and discussed the many aspects of overseas missions. God is faithful and trustworthy, and He sustains us on this path! As we continue to learn more about sharing the love of Jesus with others, we humbly ask you to continue praying. We are privileged to be in a community of people who pray – and understand the power behind it.

After training, we headed for the hills! Have you ever gone south on 285 and, turning off in Grant, ended up at Geneva Creek Campground? We have gone there since our family consisted of only Julie and Ken! 

Bear! August Compass 2015
While we were at our last training in Palmer Lake, Colorado, a visitor came to see us! One day he came walking toward the training center and the next day we got to meet him again on the walking trail!
Eli camping
Eli has started back at UC Denver, has a part time job, and LOVES waterfalls. Ok, his mom might have added that last bit. It was great to finally spend some time together!
Mark camping Aug '15
Mark is in his element when we are camping. It’s hard to believe that he will be attending his first semester in a public school in France!
Sabrina camping
And herein lies the difference between boys and girls! Sabrina is turning 13 in October, three months before she starts public school in French. Belle fille!

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Will camping
Someone’s shoes got SOAKED on our hike. One day after camping, Will has moved on to his last two semesters of high school including French language learning and lots of college courses.

4 thoughts on “Mission Accomplished!

  1. Hello my friends! Missed you at church today but did see Eli there. We had a missionary speaker today, Setan Lee, and I think he inspired us all to join God in His plan to reach all the nations on earth! I thought of you and Ken and prayed that your future brings many people to your doorstep who need the love of Jesus. Anyway, just wanted to say we should get together sometime! LOL! What is impossible for man, is possible with God!


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